…and Don’t Forget to be Amazed

Posted on January 16, 2013 | 6 comments


Man giving woman gift.


and this…:

hedge maze

…they’re the same.
Maze and Amaze come from the same root.

I promise!

amaze definition

I have a story about this.

Once upon a time, I set foot in “the most famous maze in the history of the world,” located in a little place called The Wilderness (…that doesn’t sound foreboding at all…) at Hampton Court Palace, England.

I thrilled as I approached that lovely old maze. What lords and ladies and kings and queens meandered these paths through the years?! And here was I, plain old girl-next-door, traversing history.

I made my way through, dead end after dead end, re-tracing steps, beginning new directions, wanting to give up but knowing that it’d be just as hard to find my way out as it would be to press on and find the middle of that ridiculous old maze.

Hundreds of years of confusion wrapped me in their twiggy embrace. Ents and Babes-in-Toyland trees be dashed, I had Henry the VIII’s shrubbery as my foe! If you recall, he wasn’t a particularly patient man.

In a word—or three—what I saw was: Confusing. Redundant. Entrapping.

But I was in England, by golly, and I was traversing history! I sallied forth.

Eventually, I made it to the middle, stepped up on the tree stump, breathed deep, and looked.

What I saw was: Intricate. Deliberate. Beautiful. Every turn, crafted to take me on a journey and bring me to this very spot. Dead ends and all.

I was—- wait for it…

Look at this definition once more. Can I draw your attention to one glorious word?

amaze definition-2

All those things I was feeling in the midst of it? That bewilderment? …Now rendered obsolete by the purpose behind it all. I’d lost sight of the big picture, forgotten it had been crafted carefully to bring me to the right destination, even with all those twists and turns. They were a part of the journey.

I so often forget to be amazed. I come against these walls in life, these dead ends, or moments that seem redundant (and are truly anything but redundant– each one a miracle, each one full of purpose)… and I forget…

That He planned this, put me in this moment, for a reason.
That each step is just right, that His timing is perfect.
That the One who created the Universe set this journey before me with just as much care as he poured into the creation of the world.

…in that maze of forgetfulness, He steps in, lifts me up, gives me a peek at the big picture.

And I am amazed.


Chime in: What’s one thing in your journey today that causes you to be amazed?



  1. What a GREAT example, Amanda. I think that maze sounds aMAZing! Grin. Love the application here. Hm. What am I amazed about today? My children’s creativity. The story of young David slaying Goliath, not a fear in sight. The kindness of strangers. Friends who pray. And that’s about it for today–but thanks for helping me re-focus my thoughts!

    • “That’s about it for today”– so much, all poured out in just a quick blog comment! You have a beautifully thankful heart, Heather. I love it. 🙂

  2. Oh, this was lovely. I read it when you posted but forgot to comment…
    One thing in my journey? Hmmmm.
    That I am worthy of His time. His attention. That He cares an iota about me.
    That He laughs when I take joy in Him. When I say “Oh Father, wasn’t that funny?” Which I do. Why? Because Dads are like that.
    And for a kid who didn’t have a dad until I was 12, He was mine. He still is.

    • I love the reminder of what an absolute MIRACLE it is to be cherished by the creator of the Universe. You are right– it is simply amazing!!

  3. I love this post, Amanda! Mazes scare the heck out of me! When I’m in them and I know going out is going to be just as confusing as pressing forward, I start to feel a little panicky. But then I remember: I’m going to find my way through eventually. It’s much like life, isn’t it? When we’re in the midst of our journey and we can’t see the end, but going back to the beginning isn’t possible either, we have to trust that there is a way through and we’re on the right path – dead ends and all!

    I love England, by the way! Thanks for bringing me back with you for a moment. 🙂

    • Absolutely, Gabrielle. So much like life. Those situations can begin to feel a little hopeless and claustrophobic and trapping sometimes… but when there’s nothing else to do but trust, those little steps taken in trust sometimes mean more than a thousand confident strides taken with clear vision and no need for trust.

      Happy to find a fellow anglophile/England-lover!