

Wouldn’t it be grand if books could have soundtracks? If they could, here’s a glimpse of what you’d find for the music-story of my early-1900’s historical fiction.

Book: The Girl at Mulberry Down (working title, searching for publishing home)

Merrie’s Theme

Michael W. Smith – “Atonement”

Ada’s Theme

Michele McLaughlin – “Across the Burren”


Rachel Portman – “Wedding Chorus”
The Stonehaven Series – Book 1, Upon the Waters (working title, searching for publishing home)

Opening scene, Ocean Beach

Bach- Cello Suite No. 1 in G Major

Scene: Fourth of July, dusk.
I listened to this over, and over, and over again as I wrote by candlelight in the still of the night with the rest of the house sleeping. Incidentally, this is also what I came down the aisle to at my wedding…

Bach- Arioso


Middle of the Night Forest Lullaby
In this scene, an unsettling string of mid-night events is concluded by the mysterious sound of this song, slipping through the trees.

“Raindrop Prelude”, Chopin (Op. 28 No. 15)
Scene: Robert’s less-than-soothing whittling song (first quick stanza only).

The Raggle Taggle Gypsy


Scene: Under the Umbrella…the finale.

“Under the Umbrella”

Book 2, Among the Pines (working title, searching for publishing home)

Bonnie’s Theme

Beethoven’s “Sonata Pathétique”- 2nd movement Adagio cantabile

The Tunnel

Estudios Expresivos: El Caminante, Enrique Granados
Clarence’s Song (his jail-cell rendition)

“Ta-Ra-Ra-Boom-De-Yay,” Performed by Allen Dale

Eugene’s Song
…which he belts out with an embarassing amount of vibrato in the book…poor guy. Just doesn’t know when to quit.

“Daddy’s Little Girl,” Performed by Michael Buble