The Trust Chronicles: Bonnie McDonnell

The Trust Chronicles is a blog hop and collaborative project between 5 historical romance authors. Our desire is to bring you lasting hope through these letters, grounded in trust in our Lord, and written from the fictional viewpoints of each book’s heroine. We’re so glad to have you join the event. Each day this week, a new Trust Chronicles post will go live, complete with a letter and a new giveaway for that blog post.
Click here to read more about the project and enter to win the one-of-a-kind, Trust Chronicles antique keepsake box, containing each heroine’s letter, hand-inscribed by the author, and a special keepsake to accompany each letter.
To find your way to the other four blog posts and enter each of the five Trust Chronicles prize bundle giveaways, read on! We have a list for you at the bottom of this post.
Would you like to listen to “Bonnie’s Theme” while reading her letter? Click “play” below:
Letter Inspired by Among the Pines**
Book 2 in the Stonehaven Series
by Amanda Dykes
**Working Title, represented by Wendy Lawton of Books and Such Literary Agency.
June, 1906
It’s strangely quiet at Stonehaven tonight.
Nearly everyone has made the short walk to the Tallac Hotel for supper, at Mr. Carrington’s insistence and provision. To show his “deep gratitude for taking in an invalid like him.”
My stomach turns. “An invalid like him.” If only they knew what I know…
But I won’t dwell on that now. I’ve a rare corner of solitude, and I shall soak it up and pen this letter. More a journal entry, I suppose. Georgianna was so kind to give me this stationery; I can’t let it go to waste.
I can hear the hotel orchestra through the trees now, playing a sonata… the soft tones carrying tendrils of daylight off and away into the twilight.
Luke Beaumont’s light shines from over the boathouse. Like me, he was quick to make his excuses from the supper invitation. I don’t know what grievance he has with Eugene Carrington, to make his eyes flash the way they do whenever he comes around… but I must own that knowing Mr. Beaumont is near settles a peace over me now.
So here I sit in my little plot of land… on a bench! I can scarcely believe it, so surprised was I to come down early one morning and find it: stone upon stone in perfect mortar, wrapped fully around the pine at the corner of my garden.
I want to ask Mr. Beaumont about it. To thank him, for it is he who unearths stones and turns them into strength and beauty as he builds. Would that be presumptuous, to thank him? Silly of me, really. He is, after all, building all manner of things throughout the estate. It’s what my brother hired him on to do.
Still, the bench is something special. Unassuming and simply… right. Here in my garden, it feels more home to me than anywhere I’ve ever been.
But every time I work up the courage to approach him, he looks away.
The sky is fading now. I’ll stay only until the last snatches of daylight, for I still cannot abide the darkness alone. Perhaps one day.
Above me, a breeze whispers through the pines, summoning upwards the spice of freshly-turned ground. It is the sweetest fragrance there is, earthy and clean and full of promise.
The thaw is finally deep enough that I was able to plant today. Effie helped me choose all of the vegetables, but it is the rest that claim my heart. All around, I’ve planted seeds and bulbs that will turn this piece of dark earth into vibrant life.
When I run my fingers through the soil and nestle a seed, it strikes me: the roots will grow deep long before anything can sprout above-ground.
It will be months for some of them, before I see any evidence of life. But I must trust that life is there, have faith enough to nurture it every single day… or there won’t be life.
The roots push through cold hard earth, so tiny you’d think they’d snap. They never stop, though. They are doing their hidden work. I must be faithful to tend them now, lest they shrivel in these silent days.
It brings to mind what Georgianna tells me: God loves me, a truth that must be trusted so I can grow in that knowledge and grace.
If she knew all, perhaps she wouldn’t say that. But she insists it, and I cannot deny the longing that stirs when I see how deeply she trusts this God of hers. She says if I water my young faith- for young it is, in every way- it will grow. That God will be faithful to complete the work He’s begun in me.
But I wonder… how can He work if I continue to lock Him out? My heart’s been closed off for so long…
…but though it be safe there, it is not well. It is as cold and barren as the winter ground.
Perhaps it is just as in Mr. Tennyson’s poem, “The Snowdrop”:
…Solitary firstling,
Coming in the cold time…
The snowdrop flower- how delicate it looks. White as the snow it befriends in order to bloom. It doesn’t look as if it could survive in winter. And yet- it was made, in all its simplicity, to do that very thing. To brave the frozen lands and bring hope.
…Prophet of the May time,
Prophet of the roses…
It tugs at me, this little flower. As if it knows me, and I it. So long I’ve dwelled in the cold and dark, never thinking there could be something more, never imaging I, timid and small, could break through frozen ground.
All because of a Master who tends me, even in the silent seasons.
Perhaps there’ve been roots growing deep all this time.
Perhaps a budding is on the horizon… a solitary blossom, a taste of things to come.
If that were so… I think I could carry on, even facing Eugene Carrington- and all he signifies- daily. Even weathering Luke Beaumont’s averted stares.
I think I could learn to trust enough to continue coming to this God who loves me, asking Him to open my heart. To tend it.
I’m taking the snowdrop to needlepoint, to stitch it not just on fabric, but in my heart, too. A reminder to trust the transforming, underground work of the dark months.
Maybe someday… the flowers will appear on the earth.
“For Lo, the winter is past, the rain is over and gone. The flowers appear on the earth…”
Song of Solomon 2:11-12
Bonnie’s Keepsake items, being given away as part of the Trust Chronicles Keepsake Box, along with the hand-written letter pictured throughout this post. (click here to enter):
Bonnie’s Prize Bundle, being given away in the comments below:

Bonnie’s Prize Bundle: ~Spode Billingsley Rose Teacup and Saucer ~ Handmade SierraSnowSoap, made with Sierra Nevada Snow (fragrance: Cool Mountain lake) ~
The Secret Garden by Frances Hodgson Burnett, illustrated by Tasha Tudor
Why I chose these items:
The Secret Garden
This book actually wasn’t published until a few years after Bonnie’s story takes place, but I couldn’t help including it in her bundle. Bonnie finds refuge and life in her garden, and I just know if she’d read Frances Hodgson Burnett’s book, she’d have loved the garden scenes.
Handmade Sierra Snow Soap (Mountain Lake): I wish I could bottle up a bit of Lake Tahoe’s beauty and send it to you. But since I can’t, this soap has done it for me! It’s actually made with real Sierra snow. From the soap maker’s website, regarding this scent: “Crisp and clean, this scent has the freshness of icy Lake Tahoe.”
…and now, for my favorite item: the Spode Billingsley Rose teacup and saucer. I went to an antique store in search of the perfect item for Bonnie’s giveaway. I didn’t have any idea what it would be– which is hard for me. I do like a good plan. But, armed with a glorious plan-less need for a prize, I meandered… and when I saw this cup? I knew… it was perfect. So like Bonnie– unassuming, delicate beauty on the outside… and life just waiting to burst from within.
To enter for a chance to win Bonnie’s prize bundle, scroll down and leave a comment answering the question at the bottom of the post.
Must be 18 years or older and a resident of the U.S. or Canada to enter. Click here for official rules.
All Trust Chronicles giveaways will close on May 19, 2013 and the winners will be drawn at random shortly thereafter. Winners will be notified via e-mail and announced on the Trust Chronicles author blogs.
We invite you to join us each weekday this week as we hop through cyberspace and history, gleaning hope from each heroine’s journey.
**Each post will go live on the date indicated below.**
To visit each post on or after its date, click on the author name in blue.
Monday, May 13th: Regina Jennings (Heroine: Molly Lovelace, Love in the Balance)
Tuesday, May 14th: Joanne Bischof (Heroine: Cassie Allan, Though My Heart is Torn)
Wednesday, May 15th: Amanda Dykes (Heroine: Bonnie McDonnell, Among the Pines)
Thursday, May 16th: Karen Barnett (Heroine: Laurie Burke, Mistaken)
Friday, May 17th: Sarah Sundin (Heroine: Georgie Taylor, On Distant Shores)
God has showed me His trustworthy by proven time after time that He is with me,always looking after me.Thanks…
Jackie, I love your use of the word “always”– He never leaves us for forsakes us. 🙂 Thank you for being here!
Wow.. that is all I can say about that letter.. Tears are falling. And to see the rose tea cup which has always warmed my heart. Wow. I will definitely read this book now. Thank you
I forgot to answer the question.. the letter got to me.. I lost my father. Through all the trials I went through with that, God showed me he was with me every step of the way.
Oh Joelle, I’m just touched as can be by your words. And the fact that you have a special place in your heart for that china pattern- I love it! I’ never seen it before that day at the antique store, but let me just say, once I’d found it, it was hard to determine to give it away. 😉 But it’s so very “Bonnie,” I couldn’t imagine a more fitting item for her giveaway.
Oh my goodness! Listening to Bonnie’s Theme while I read her letter I was there with her in the peaceful Garden. I even felt tears spring to my eyes because I’ve been where Bonnie is right now. Trying to trust a God she doesn’t completely know because she is young in the faith. Thank you for such a stirring letter.
God assured me of His Trustworthiness when I was going through my cancer treatments almost 14 years ago. As I lay on the radiation table I cried out to God telling Him I couldn’t go through this any longer. Tears streamed down my cheeks but I wasn’t allowed to move or the radiation would hit another area of my body. I couldn’t wipe the tears away but God did and He told me that I could continue with my treatments because He would be there right with me.
I would love to win the prize bundle. The teacup and saucer are beautiful!
Judy B
Oh Judy, how glad I am for the way He sustained you during that turbulent time! I can’t thank you enough for sharing it with us today. And goodness, but I can relate to Bonnie’s young faith as well– so thankful that God’s faithfulness is just as strong and unfailing when we’re young in the faith as when we’re a little more seasoned.
“The Trust Chronicles” – such a wonderful, fun, thing to do! Thanks for the beautiful giveaway opportunity, Amanda!
So many times – God has proven His trustworthiness to me, too numerous to mention. He has always been there for me & taken care of me, even when I wasn’t there for Him. But – the ultimate example of His trustworthiness has to be when He sent His only son to die for my sins, how could I NOT trust Him?
Hoping that your books will soon be available for purchase, Amanda!
Bonnie, what a delight to see you here! I’m so glad you mentioned how faithfulness is unconditional, not dependent on our behavior or love. We love because HE first loved us… such a beautiful truth. Thank you, Bonnie!
God has proven Himself trustworthy in my family, health and finances. Beautiful letter, Amanda! And I’m dying to know Mr. Carrington’s secret. Way to keep us in suspense.
God bless!
Hello, my friend! I love to hear the ways God’s proven himself trustworthy– and these are three biggies! Thank you for sharing them. Oh, Mr. Carrington’s secret. I cringe just to think of it…
God bless you, too!
I needed reminding about tending to my faith. It’s easy to be more focused on tending to the house and children. Thank you for the letter. I look forward to reading the book.
Sherry, I so relate! So often I get caught up in the tangible duties before me, I forget to first surrender my heart to Christ in those very duties, so that they can be done with a worshipful heart toward Him. Thanks for your kind words– I pray one day the book will find its way to you.
You know, the times I find That God reveals his trustworthiness to me the most is those time when I have fallen away and am relying on myself. I come to the end and have no more control and He is always there waiting to take my hand and comfort me 🙂
Michelle, I’ve been there too, more times than I care to admit! But you’re so right– every time, when I realize I’ve been “leaning on my own understanding” and it’s clearly taking its toll on me, God is so faithful to forgive and remind me of the words of Prov. 3:5– to Trust in Him with all my heart. So thankful for His grace in those moments.
Wow God has given you a talent with words! Cannot wait for more from you!
God works in such wonderful ways… When I look back he has always been there… Even when I stubbornly try to do it on my own!
Oh Lisa, your words just bless me! Thank you, thank you for your very generous encouragement; it’s a true gift to me today. I hope you have a wonderful day!
God has shown me his trustworthiness in so many ways….sending his Son to die on the cross for me, redemption for all the mistakes I have made in the past…..and through my children with are a wonderful Blessing!
Sacrifice, Redemption, and Grace upon Grace… I think you’ve just summed up his greatest gifts to us!
Lovely letter! God showed me His trustworthyness when we moved to Montana! We knew we were supposed to move here, but had nowhere to live, but we moved anyway. We stayed in a hotel room (My hubby, four kids and I) for a week. then a wonderful couple from our new church let us live with them for another week until we were able to find a place to rent. Thank you for the opportunity to win this beautiful prize!
Wow! What an amazing story– I just love how God honored your obedience to the call to move there in blind faith, providing for your every need. Thank you, Beth!
That was a beautiful letter with reminder of Gods love and faithfulness!
Hi Shari, great to see you! Thanks for your kind words and for stopping by today!
God has shown me His trustworthiness through His faithfulness. I am so thankful that no matter where I go or what I do He’s always there.
I am so glad I found out about the trust chronicles. Thank you so much for all the work you”ve put into this.
It’s been such a delight to work with such talented ladies to put this together, thank you, Kali! I’m so glad you’re here, too. And I completely agree– He never fails.
I’ve not read the first book in this series but it’s on my to read list.
Now to answer the question – God’s shown His trustworthiness by always being there for me. There are so many times in my life when I’ve felt God’s arms around me holding me close and I’ve drawn strength from that.
I love how you phrase that, Dawn– “drawn strength from.” Rooted in Him, we have a place to draw strength.
Beautiful letter. I am very curious about the rest of the story.
Oh, thank you, Shanna! I hope one day you get to read it. I’m so blessed to be working with my wonderful literary agent to find a publishing home for it. Thanks for your kind words!
For a long time, I felt completely lost, unknowing of my life’s purpose, I spent a lot of time just wasting away or so I thought. I found myself turning to the Creator for wisdom and guidance and realized, I am right where I need to be. I have since began a new journey in my life. I am proactively seeking to be a better woman and mother. Without God’s trustworthiness, I would still be idle. I give all praises to the Most High.
Ty, I just so respect how you’ve found purpose right where you are, in Him. I’ve been there too, realizing the truth of that quote, “It’s not what you do that determines whether your work is secular or sacred; it’s who you do it for.” Rejoicing with you in the great purpose He has for us, wherever in life He’s led us!
WOW! What an amazing letter, I sure want to read Bonnie’s story now. Thanks for the giveaway.
I forgot to answer to the question. God helped us get through my husband having cancer in 1999. He paved the way before us in the fact it was caught early and we were able to start him on treatments before it had spread. He also proved to us His faithfulness when my brother fell off a two story roof and was in a coma for nine days. the doctors didn’t think he would make it but he was out of the hospital within three weeks and he is better than ever!!! GOD IS SO GOOD!!
WOW Teresa, these are two amazing stories of how nothing is impossible for God. Thank you for sharing them!
Blessings, dear Amanda. My name is Bonnie too, and although much much older, I have always had a timid soul, a reluctance to stand out, a willingness to walk behind my husband. Until he died 4 years ago, my life was as wonderful as a warm kitty in a lap. I was drawn to you and your books because I feel we are Like in many ways. I would adore winning this prize, but even if not I will continue to follow your posts and your FB. god’s tenderness has been so apparent in many parts, bits, and pieces of my life. But I will share one in which He spoke so kindly and succinctly. Walking in my yard the first Spring after Barry died, I was finding many, many four leaf clovers. So many that one day I asked, “god, what is it with Ll these four leaf clovers”, and he replied, ” Bonnie, honey, we don’t have any three leaf clovers here in Heaven, only the fours!” Yes, one day we will reach His perfection, along with all Nature. I long for that day, but until, I seek His face in all things. Bless you, my new cyber-friend.
Bonnie, your kind comments and insights on Facebook are always such a joy, and I thank you for them! I love that you and my fictional Bonnie share a name. Her name came from Robert Burns’s poem, “A Red, Red Rose,” and throughout the story she comes to understand how God loves her just as deeply– and more– than the words of devotion in that poem. I’ll share some of them here, since you are Bonnie too (the spelling in the poem is a bit odd since it’s in old Scots):
“… Bonnie lass…
And fare thee well, a while!
And I will come again,
Tho’ it were ten thousand mile.”
It’s such a tender hope and joy-giving truth, the way our Savior promises one day we’ll be with Him… but He never leaves us in the mean time, walking with us every step of this life.
Lovely letter this is. And reading it while listening to the music was amazing….right at this moment is a little gloomy out here where I am at. It made it seem all too real, like I was there while she wrote the letter. God has always shown to me time after time how even when we feel down, alone or things are going wrong he has always been there with me…reminds me of the “Footprints in the Sand” poem. Is an amazing letter which makes me want to read this book as left me quite curious. Thank you for sharing with us your story and these wonderful giveaways. Blessings!!!!
Hi Keren, thank you so much! I’m glad the music seemed a good fit for your surroundings– and I hope things perk up a little from the gloom, too! 😉 I love how God carries us when we have not the strength to take another step on our own. I remember reading that poem (Footprints i the Sand) for the first time years ago and picturing that… and being thankful that it truly is God’s character to give us everything we need, in any circumstance we find ourselves in.
Aw! I loved reading that letter while the music was playing…it really set the mood 😀
Hi Jenna! Aw, thanks! I’m a sucker for soundtracks… hence the whole “soundtrack” tab on the website above. I get a little carried away with music sometimes. 🙂
You ladies certainly do not disappoint! What a lovely giveaway! Have a blessed week!!
Thank you Deborha, you have a wonderful week too!
Amanda….a wonderful posting…God has always been trustworthy to me always being there w/ me…always 🙂
Love that, Karen. Thank you for sharing His faithfulness. 🙂
What a lovely letter and story! God has shown his trustworthiness in so many ways. Seeing how He takes difficult circumstances and brings beauty and good out of them is one of the best ways. I am enjoying the bog hop!
I’m so glad you’re enjoying the blog hop Carrie! News like this, and comments like yours, make it all worth it.
I played the theme as I read this beautiful and poetic letter. It has left me deeply moved. God has shown His faithfulness and constant presence that I can rest in all along life’s journey. There is an old hymn called “sweeter as the days go by” and that is what walking with Jesus is like. It is such an ever deepening blessing to our souls! Sending you a hug, dear Amanda! God bless you!
Janette, thank you for being here! Sending a hug right back. 🙂 You describe this journey as “ever-deepending”, and I love that. Never is there an end to the closeness He wants with us, the love He has for us. Thank you for this, and God bless you too!
Hi Amanda! Lovely post! I’m loving this contest. God has shown His trustworthiness to me many, many times, especially when I’m not looking for it. One time in particular was when I was ten years old. I was at a class swim party, and I didn’t know how to swim (you see where this is going,don’t you?). One of my friends kept begging me to go down the slide … that just happened to be in the deep end. Well, thankfully, God sent an angel in the form of a lifeguard that day. He plucked me right out of the water, saving my life and proving to me that God is trustworthy even when I make mistakes.
Andrea, so glad you are enjoying the Trust Chronicles! And oh, my, did your story ever give me chills! How scary… and I’m so thankful God provided that lifeguard right there, at the right time. Seems He had lots more in store for you in your life! Blessings to you, too.
Wow! That letter/journal entry was amazing! I need to now what happens now!
Now to the question…What has assured me of His trustworthiness? I always think of a sunrise. No matter how dark the night was before I can always count on the sun rising in the morning. Its the same with God. No matter what life throws at me I know God is always there with a sunrise for me.
Hannah, your sunrise comparison is just perfect. It brings to mind Lamentations 3:22-23 ~ “Because of the Lord’s great love we are not consumed, for his compassions never fail. They are new every morning; great is your faithfulness.”
Amanda, I LOVE that verse! 🙂 One of my many favorites!
Mine too, Hannah! 🙂
Once again we ‘meet’ and I love to discover your corner of the world (Lake Tahoe) Amanda! Thank you for sharing the inspiration for the book!
His trustworthiness was never in question: He loves me and that’s enough for me to trust Him! I was 9 years old when the message became clear and I keep on the path, His shoulder next to mine…
Welcome to you once again, Noelle! So glad for the chance to “meet” up. What a neat testimony, to be able to look back and see God’s faithfulness to your following since childhood. Thank you for sharing that!
Oh, Amanda… Bonnie’s heart is so tender and sweet. I love this line: “All because of a Master who tends me, even in the silent seasons.” I can’t wait to see her story in print. God has proven His trustworthiness many times to me, but most often it’s in the perfect song or verse at the very moment I most need it. He must know that I’m forgetful and need constant reminders of His tender care.
I’m so blessed that you see Bonnie this way, Karen! Her character is a tender soul, but she’s about to learn she’s much stronger than she ever thought she could be… all because of the strength of that very same Master, who so lovingly tends her. Thank you for your words of encouragement! And I agree with you– God’s provision is always absolutely perfect in His timing, so there’s never any doubt about where that song or verse came from, right when I most need it.
I think God is showing me His truthworthiness on a daily basis…though I sometimes don’t look or keep an eye open to them. Often I wonder what God’s plan is, why He hasn’t provided for me the way *I think* he should, and it’s very easy for me to get all pouty. But even just seeing the birds outside and the flowers bloom reminds me that He does care for me and I can trust that His timing is perfect, though it feels far from it.
Kelly, I can so relate to not always looking for his faithfulness/trustworthiness. Sometimes I watch these great mounds of clouds move across the sky and I think “God moves mountains every day, and sometimes I don’t even notice!” You’re right– His creation all around speaks so much of Him. It’s just like Psalm 19–
“The heavens declare the glory of God;
the skies proclaim the work of his hands.
2 Day after day they pour forth speech;
night after night they reveal knowledge.
3 They have no speech, they use no words;
no sound is heard from them.
4 Yet their voice[b] goes out into all the earth,
their words to the ends of the world.”
(This is just an excerpt; the whole Psalm is worth reading– I just love how it testifies to His ever-constant working around and in us.)
Sometimes when I’m reading my Bible early in the morning, words just seem to jump off the page as if they’re meant just for me.
Amy, I’m always in awe of how a scripture I’ve read probably a hundred times before can suddenly “jump off the page,” as you say, and land right in my heart where I need it most. His word truly is living and active– just like His love.
WOW is what I have to say about the letters. Makes the tears roll just reading it.
enjoyed the letter. Yes God has showed me his trustworthiness so many times.
I have had breast cancer 34 years ago and he pulled me throughout all I had to go through. Other surgeries. God helped me through open heart surgery and then another heart surgery.Yes I have ask why several times but he is still with me and I could not live without him. I LOVE HIM.
You have a nice giveaway and would love to win. Thanks
Elizabeth, what a testament to your love for Him, and His love for you, that you’ve leaned on His strength throughout all of those difficult seasons! It’s a wonderful example to me, and I think you for sharing your story. You shine with love for our Lord.
Amanda, what a moving post this is. Bonnie is so tender, so much like the young blossoms she’ll bring forth! The romantic in me just smiles at the thought of Luke building that little bench for Bonnie — such a quiet and tender act that whispers the first hints of love. *sigh*
God has been working to assure me of His trustworthiness so much lately. All to often I run ahead and all too often I doubt or fret and I keep having to stop and remember that He has a perfect plan and to simply…trust. Hugs friend and thank you for this beautiful letter!
My dear friend, I am all too familiar with the roads of doubt and fretting… the way you choose to trust in the difficult times is an incredible blessing. To me, to so many others!
Oh, the bench. That Luke. He’s a sly one… in the best sense. 🙂 I’m glad you enjoyed that part of the story! It’s been one of my favorite parts to write in the manuscript.
So thankful for you, Joanne!
Wow! Is all I could really say at first. That was such a beautiful letter, and just like the roots of those seeds she talks about, it’s words rooted deep inside my heart, reminding me of how even in the darkest and coldest of places God is at work, rooting his love so that we may one day blossom into the beautiful people he has created us to be. It is something we need to be reminded of daily. We are the soil, and we need only to allow him to do his work within us, and time it will take, but it will be worth the wait. Thank you for sharing this letter, and I love everything about the prize package, it is beautiful. Brings back many memories of my childhood growing up. I look forward to reading your book! God bless! 🙂
Charissa, your words are so wise. Completely worth the wait, his work is! You made me think of this scripture: “He has made everything beautiful in its time. He has also set eternity in the human heart; yet no one can fathom what God has done from beginning to end.” Ecclesiastes 3:11
Thank you for being here, for sharing your heart, and for your kind encouragement!
What a sweet and touching letter. I adore how the stone bench just “appeared.” I already love your hero for his thoughtful, silent gift.
God reminds me of His trustworthiness on a daily basis. The more I step out in faith, the more I SEE His trustworthiness. When I started writing and when I started teaching Sunday school and Bible study, I knew I was way out of my league. But He called me to do these things, so I closed my eyes and stepped out rashly. And He carried me. He has given me the strength and ability and grace to do what He asked me to do. So I trust Him more each day.
Sarah, I’m so glad you liked the bench! Part of me swoons at stone structures, benches, walls… 🙂
Your life is a shining example of what it is to live for Him, with every step taken. I’m truly thankful for you– your wisdom, friendship, writing ministry and example… truly, all such gifts. Thank you for all that you do!
Through HisWord. Right now I am going through a difficult time and I love that I can turn to the Bible for comfort and reassurance that God is still in control.
Carrie, I’m so sorry to hear it’s been a difficult season. I just now stopped and spent some time in prayer for you as you continue to press on, rooting deep into His word for reassurance and comfort– you are so wise to draw from that well, the living water.
<3. Thank you so much. It means so much to me that you took time to pray for me.
Oh my…what a beautiful letter. One line in particular stopped me cold and gave me chills. “Perhaps there’ve been roots growing deep all this time.” Boy does that hit home.
I’m working on a trust issue with God at the moment. I keep being my impatient self and he gently tells me “Slow down, it will all come in time.” Sometimes those just aren’t the words I want to hear, but I know He knows best.
“Slow down, it will all come in time”– I’ve been learning that very lesson this past year, Amanda, and I’m so with you. Not always easy words to hear, but needful, and I’m so glad God guides us with such wisdom, perfect timing, tailor-made for who and where we are, and what He would have us doing right at this very moment . Thank you for sharing this!
I loved this letter! I could just picture in my mind Bonnie sitting on that bench in the garden!! God is always showing me ways in which He has been there and I didn’t realize it at the time. I would love to win! The saucer and teacup are beautiful!!
Donna, I’m so glad you enjoyed the letter! Its setting is one that’s dear to my heart. The saucer and teacup have pretty much made me decide I’m in love with that pattern. So delicate, simple, beautiful.
God has shown me His trustwortiness in many ways and many times, but right now I’m recalling how He held me when I railed at Him when my husband received a near death sentence. God carried me through all those horrible times, one bad repor after another, an emergency hospitalization, and blood transfusion. In the midst of all that, I felt the most incredible peace in my spirit. I can’t even begin to describe this peace. It was just supernatural. God knew what I needed during those days and He was right there. Praise His Name.
Oh, Susan. My heart just squeezes thinking of you receiving that news, travelling that difficult road, and being hedged in by His peace that passes understanding every step. It’s that peace we have in Him when peace just doesn’t make sense, that strengthens us, allows us to keep pressing on, and sometimes have glimpses of the work God is doing behind the scenes through it all. Praising Him along with you.
The past few years, I started having health problems and they became worse and the doctors ran every tests there was and could not find what was wrong. The Lord showed us in a different way that a surgery I had a few years ago, there had been a medical error with serious health complications. Majority of this time, I had no income, it was amazing to watch how He provided. He’s so trustworthy!!! I am now disabled but He’s still God!! He’s worthy of our trust because He will always be with us through everything!!
The letter is beautiful and has remarkable advice that anyone or everyone could take to heart. Thank you for this letter and for entering me in your giveaway!!
Barbara, what an amazing story, and most remarkable of all is your joy in him in the midst of it all. Thank you so much for sharing the way He guided and provided so faithfully.
No matter what the trials or tribulations…not matter how hard the difficulty seems, I am always able to overcome the trial, knowing God is watching over me and guiding my steps.
This is wonderful truth… thank you, Tara.
Sister! As always, your words bless my heart. I can’t wait to see what God is going to do with and through all your hard work!
Your question triggered some reflection over times that I know God has shown Himself trustworthy- the most recent being a time that I’m sure He threw His grace over me and covered me with His very self. The days when I forget to cling to the cross- when I muddle in the dark on my own strength, or scheme my own schemes as though He weren’t sovereign…on the days that I am willfully without trust He remains trustwothy. I think this must prove His faithfulness and trustworthiness even further than the days when I submit to His care. What amazes me is that it’s the same for Him. Every day. regardless of me,He steadfastly cares for my fickle heart. I can trust Him because He does not change- no matter how many times I do.
Sister! From where I stand, what you call your “fickle” heart is an exquisitely submitted-to-Him, beautiful heart. I’m trying to think of a way to respond to your comment, but all I can think of is “what wisdom!” Especially this: “On the days that I am willfully without trust He remains trustwothy.” Now *that* is something to chew on… and for me to be grateful for in my own life, too. Love you!
God will never leave us or forsake us. I know that from my own personal life. I would love to win.
Diana, I cherish those words from Deuteronomy 31:6– “Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid or terrified because of them, for the LORD your God goes with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you.” Thanks for the wonderful reminder!
I loved this letter/journal entry!! My dad went through 8 yr battle with cancer and has now been gone for 20 yrs. I was in my mid 30’s during that time with 4 children and spent many hours helping care for him plus my own family and it was only through the help of my Lord and Savior that I was able to get through that time in my life. I think this daily letter is awesome!!!!
Sherry, what a testimony you have as to God’s faithfulness, strength and provision during that time. Thank you for the blessing of sharing it here! I’m so glad you’re enjoying the Trust Chronicles; these ladies sure are a blessing to work with.
Bonnie sounds lovely! 🙂
Just to go along with the “nature” theme – when I am heading home from a long day of work and feel particularly down-trodden, I look at the sun shining through the trees…the day is really almost over, but when I feel the light on my face and the warmth of the rays, I feel God saying, it will be okay. Breathe. Look at what I’ve created for you.
Thanks for the chance to win! The prizes are truly lovely.
Beth, I’m so glad you enjoyed Bonnie! And even more glad to connect with you over the way God reassures us through His creation. I bet you love Psalm 8 as much as I do…?
“Lord, our Lord,
how majestic is your name in all the earth!
You have set your glory
in the heavens…
3 When I consider your heavens,
the work of your fingers,
the moon and the stars,
which you have set in place,
4 what is mankind that you are mindful of them,
human beings that you care for them?”
Thank you for introducing me to new authors! As for God’s trustworthiness, He can be none other than trustworthy. I see example after example of Him doing what He said He would in the Scriptures. I see His trustworthiness in something as “simple” as the sun coming up each morning and I thank Him for it day after day!
Linda, I love that you point out that trustworthiness is in His very character, who He is. Your comment reminded me of Psalm 113:3- “From the rising of the sun to the place where it sets, the name of the LORD is to be praised.” Thank you for being here today!
~*the roots will grow deep long before anything can sprout above-ground*~
I am look forward to reading this novel! Thank you for your divine letter!
Psalm 119:11 Thy word have I hid in mine heart, that I might not sin against thee.
Psalm 119:111 Thy testimonies have I taken as an heritage for ever: for they are the rejoicing of my heart.
Kathleen ~ Lane Hill House
Love these Psalms, thank you Kathleen! I once heard in a teaching that if you read one verse of Psalm 119 per day along with your devotions, it will take you through that chapter twice in a year. Each verse in the chapter is about His Word, laws, testimonies, etc., so it’s a neat way to prepare our hearts for what He has to teach us in His word that day. 🙂
When I am in the mountains where I grew up taking pictures of His beauty. Anything with nature and outside. It’s a daily thing.
Michelle- mountains and photography… sounds like we share these two loves! I agree, there is so much outside that testifies to His intricate, personal love.
The way I see God’s trustworthiness most often is when I look back upon my trials, and realize that though at the time I thought I was treading in deep water without divine guidance, He has steadfastly held me through the turbulent waters.
Connie, I believe memory is an incredible gift. The ability to look back and see so clearly what we couldn’t see when in the midst of the trials– reason for praise, and such hope to stand on when future trials come, too! Thank you for this.
I would have to say that God’s shows me his trustworthiness by being there for me whenever I need him. I know he is there through good and bad times and will never leave.
griperang at embarqmail dot com
Angela, thank you so much for stopping by. I love your book-page-heart photograph here! You’re right; He is so constant in our lives, His love unconditional.
God shows me His trustworthiness daily as He provides for my needs. I’ve had trials when I thought I could not go on, but He has always strengthened me. He gives me hope.
Thanks for the beautiful music to listen to while reading Bonnie”s letter. I also enjoy flowers so could relate to this part of her.
His hope can be both a breath of life, and a lifeline, during those times of our lives. Thank you for sharing the way He’s consistently provided strength for you, Pam, and thank you for stopping by today. I’m so glad you enjoyed the music– one of my favorite songs lately. It sounds like you and Bonnie share some of life’s joys– so much to be learned from flowers, don’t you think? Even for my unscientific mind! 😉
Thank you for another wonderful, yet thought provoking letter in this blog. It has been such a blessing to read each on everyday. I am enjoying getting to know other authors. God has shown me how to trust and why through life’s difficult times.
Such a joy to have you along for the journey this week, Margie! I’m so glad you’ve enjoyed it.
Your usage of imagery in your writing is phenomenal. I felt as if I was really there for the brief moments that I was reading. Thank you so much for that brief respite in my busy day! I love books that help me escape for a little while and remind me of God’s love and provision.
Oh Dawn, what a kind thing to say! This book takes place in one of my favorite places in all the world, so to be able to share that with people like you is pure joy. And my deepest hope is to do just what you describe: remind of God’s love and provision. So thank you, thank you, for making my day with your kind and thoughtful words.
Your question is a bit hard for me to answer, or rather, hard to verbalize. I guess He has shown His trustworthiness to me by always being there, even when things have been very hard and even scary I have never felt abandoned.
Jasmine A.
Jasmine, you’re right, it is tricky to encompass such a big God, His miraculous ways of providing, in just a few words. Impossible, probably. But I think what you said was just perfect– never, ever, does He abandon us.
God’s trustworthiness. Well, I can’t think of a time when I didn’t know He was trustworthy. He has always provided for me. Not always the gourmet food, designer clothes, or Victorian mansion that I have wanted, but I have never been hungry, naked, or without a roof over my head.
Even when my husband was ill for so long I knew that I could trust God to take care of us. After my husband’s home-going, I was (and still am) filled with peace and know that I am loved and all is well with me. I can trust God with the things I need in this world. I can trust God’s love for me. I can trust that He will take me home someday. He never has let me down even when I have let Him down.
Victoria, your words brought a smile to my face and filled my heart. You’re right– He knows exactly what we have need of, and never withholds it from us! Thank you for sharing your story.
What a beautiful picture of God’s trustworthiness. God has shown me his love and faithfulness throughout the years in so many ways. He constantly reminds me that He can be trusted with EVERYTHiNG that concerns me no matter how big it seems. Most recently I was reminded of his trustworthiness in the kind words of a friend that The Lord used to encourage my heart. She had no idea what was going on at that time, but I knew it was a sweet message from Him.
Julie, I love this. Isn’t that His way? Using His people to encourage each other when they need it most… most often the giver-of-encouragement not even knowing how much we need it. And so we know, without a doubt, it was His hand orchestrating it– what a treasured gift!
I loved your letter Amanda! And what a beautiful setting. The way you weave the letter around faith is awesome! I can’t wait to read the book! <3
You’re such a joy, Julie!
God Shows me his faithfulness by his unconditional many times I fail and am encouraged by His love that NEVER fails. truckredford(at)gmail(dot)com
Yes! Great is His faithfulness. 🙂
Everyone has their burden in life. Mine is physical and mental health problems. No matter how bad things get, when I come to the end of my rope, I realize all I have to do is reach out to God. He answers and sustains me.
“He answers and sustains me” ~ Thank you for this, Martha. It’s amazing how present He is in everyone’s unique circumstances… and the unique work He creates for us, tailor-made for us to do right where we are. All designed with such care and love.
Amanda, So glad to meet you. I love meeting new authors. Will definitely have to look for your book!
Cara, I’m so honored to have you, and glad to meet you too! I’m working with my agent to find a publishing home for my book, but until then, your words are such sweet encouragement. Thank you!
God has always provided new jobs for my husband when the old companies closed their doors. He has always taken care of our needs.
I love the pics of your image of Bonnie! Tuck Everlasting movie has always been one of my very favorites.
melaneinoh2003 at yahoo dot com
I love Tuck Everlasting! Read the book many times as a girl. Isn’t it amazing, the way God uses even closed doors to direct and provide for us?
Just by always being there for me and answering my prayers.
I see I misspelled some things like my name, lol, and I think my email was entered incorrectly also. The print is so light when I’m typing the information and my comment I can hardly see it.
Not to worry Wendy– and I know just what you mean, I have a hard time seeing it, too. I’ll have to look into this to see if I can fix it somehow. Thanks for the “heads up,” and welcome!
God has shown me his forever Greatness, and trustworthiness, that while I was in a period of life, a hurt in the heart, rebelling teenager coming home drunk thinking of taking my life, but yet hoping beyond all, an praying in the agony of the moment, that somehow this time would pass that there were other options for me, that He would bring this lowly being out of this lifestyle, out of the hurt.
Guess what! 🙂 He did all though I was so unworthy He made me worthy of Him. An has been restoring an renewing me ever since !! Thank God!
Wow, Margaret, what a testimony to his Life-giving hope! I rejoice with you at the way He brought you into a place of restoration and renewal. Praise God! 🙂
From one gardening Bonnie to another, I just love this character!
Amanda, you’ve included so many rich sensory details in her journal entry–it really paints a picture of the setting.
I love this, too: “God loves me, a truth that must be trusted so I can grow in that knowledge and grace.” 🙂
Bonnie, I’m so glad you related in such delightful ways to this Bonnie! Just makes me smile. 🙂 And thank you for your kind words; this setting is one of my favorite places in the world.
The Secret Garden was one of my favorite books as a child. Mary had to learn to trust too in order to grow. Even though as you said it’s a little outside the period of your book, it’s very appropriate.
Rebecca, I just re-“read” (listened to it on CD) the Secret Garden last year, and you’re right! Mary had lots of room to grow, as did Collin. Dicken is my favorite character, though.
The book sounds very interesting. God has proven His love and trustworthiness many times to me, through big and little things.
Thank you, Rachel!
Trusting God sounds so easy, but too often I think that I can handle life; that I can plan for my future. But I need to learn to relinquish any control that I think I may have over my life, and trust God with everything. Every. Single. Thing. But He is patient with me, showing me His new mercies and grace every day.
“Every. Single. Thing.” I love this, Jenny. Nothing is too big or too small; if it’s happening, it’s important to Him. Thank you!
God has shown my his trustworthiness in the time where I found myself angry at Him, but He still helped me through a hard time. Only God can have such an undying love–it doesn’t have conditions, and He doesn’t take it away when you need it the most. Only a God like that is worthy of our trust.
Esther, so well said! Even through our anger, He loves. Wraps us up, draws us near… such a safe haven.