Of Confetti Weights and Tales to be Told

It was an accident, you see. I started running, and it was an accident.
I went to the gym to try a circuit class a few weeks ago.
I got there early with a friend, and we walked a little to warm up on the treadmills. People began to trickle in for the class. I cast furtive glances back at them (“Aha! So that’s how to not get tangled beyond the point of rescue in that thing!”).
When the small class gathered, my friend and I dismounted the treadmills, took a collective and precarious step toward them… and then I froze. Like the proverbial deer in the headlights- wide unblinking eyes and all. Pretty sure my heart rate was already up to “endurance training” zone, just watching.
You see, I’m not entirely… athletic. Not at all, actually. For proof of my athletic prowess- or distinct lack thereof- read this post. Things have only gotten worse since then. And I’m clumsy, to boot. I’ll spare you the stories.
But- although I couldn’t bring myself to join in the group of toned folk tossing weights about like confetti, I knew I still needed to break out of my comfort zone and do something.
My work-out friend, either experiencing a similar level of discomfort as me at the prospect of joining the weight-jugglers (I exaggerate. They weren’t juggling. Yet.), or just really, really kind and compassionate when she perceived my state of paralysis, had a stroke of brilliance.
“Couch to 5k!” She proposed as we inched our way back toward the safety of the treadmills. It was perfect. Something to stretch me, give me a time-bound goal, a schedule that I can cross off (My fingers tingle! A list! With items to cross off!) workouts from once completed. (If you’re reading this… thank you, work out friend!)
Something I can tie to my writing goals, too. Any of you writers out there know it well, the word count lingo. The 5k days, the miraculous and elusive 10k days, the -3k days because you just re-read what you wrote at 4 a.m. and died a little inside (…cue “delete” button and mournful dirge…).
Here’s the thing. I’d laid aside my work in progress for a season, in order to polish a different manuscript and allow some heart-tuning to be done inside of me. Now, I’m ready to pick my characters back up, unfreeze them from their months-long suspended-animation states, and live this story out until it’s bound in words and breathes between lines.
So. I’m gearing up to run a 5k, and in between those workouts I want to sprinkle in several 5k installments per week on my WIP (work in progress). There will be weeks where life happens and this isn’t possible, and there will be weeks when I can make up for it. But this story is stirring in my heart, and I’m aching to tell it.
Most of all? I want to tell this tale for our Lord. For my Jesus. It’s all about His healing, the way he gathers up the broken pieces and, with strokes of grace and an embrace of the strongest love…he mends. Restores.
This blog post is a little out of the ordinary, not quite the norm around here. But I do so covet your prayers, most especially as this story takes shape. Can I ask for them? For your prayers? That my heart would be tuned to His calling here, that I’d be strong and teachable and mold-able in His hands, that this story would one day bless somebody—perhaps just one single person—with the hope of our God’s restoring, tender love?
Thank you, my friends. I cherish you.
Hehe, the fact you like the idea of running a 5K because of goals you can check off a list…so relate!! I’ve run a few 5k’s but am so with you…not athletic, though I wish I was. I’m in the middle of trying to lose some weight too, so we can cheer each other on with our fitness goals! And writing goals! You can do it, friend!!! I so cannot wait for the day I get to hold you book(s) in my hand, and read your beautiful words, and know that the heart behind the words is bea-u-ti-ful!!
Lindsay, your words of encouragement blessed my heart more than you can know!! Thank you, my friend. I’m cheering you on in both areas, too- I love that we can travel both journeys together! You have me beat in the 5k (running) department though- I’ve never run one. Worked at one? yes. Run one, no.
I am just so looking forward to the day when I can hold your book in my hands for the very same reason– your amazing heart for the ministry of it, for the readers, for your God.
Cheering you on my friend! Praying for you also as you go about this new adventure–both in body, stretching yourself beyond your limits, and, as you so beautifully shared about your heart pruning. I just adore the way you yearn for God to be ever-present in all that you do, unfolding His will at His time and for your desire to walk that path, holding steady to his hand. You are a true and faithful servant to Him and it makes me all the more excited to see what the future holds. Hugs!
Thank you, my dear friend! And thank you for being there every step of the way with your encouragement, wisdom…and our laughs. 🙂 Rejoicing with you during this exciting season of your writing journey!
Will be praying for you as you return to those frozen characters–I know they will thaw and come alive again in your mind, esp. when you have a story you NEED to share with others!
Thank you, Heather! You inspire me– you and your already-finished MS that you started just a few months back! 🙂