On the Darkest of Days, There is Hope

Posted on April 18, 2013 | 4 comments

On the Darkest of Days, There is Hope

Have you ever found life in a corner of the world where you thought it impossible?

I had a few blog post ideas swimming in my mind this week, but this one keeps rolling in, silent but strong, quieting the rest down and asking to be written.

Especially this week, after all that has transpired.

Like you, I’ve watched with a heavy, heavy heart as the news has unfolded. And as my feeble little mind tried to wrap itself around something it was never intended to have to wrap itself around… the hard questions came, the why’s leading the charge.

I don’t have an answer to offer you today, but I do have a story, a picture of truth and hope.

Deep in the dark oceans of Alaska, coral gardens grow. And unlike coral all over the world, it thrives in a place devoid of sunlight.

Listen to this:

“Unlike many other corals, deep-sea Alaska corals don’t need light to grow. They acquire all the nutrients they need directly from the water column. Tropical corals at shallower depths often have a sharing, or “symbiotic,” relationship with algae that live within their tissues and help provide them nutrients they need to grow. (The algae get energy from sunlight.)” (source )

Against all reason and odds, life is sprung in these depths, giving home and hope to the world around it.

Some days, the world around us is utterly stripped of light. A blanket of ache settles over us and we think How can we do this? How can we live in a world like this? How can we go on?

And then… we are reminded. That the life inside of us was sprung from the blackest of days—and a morning three days later, when life forever conquered death.

That when the world falls dark around us, we – like the coral – pull our strength directly from our God, from our Living Water. That when all else changes, shatters, destroys even… He is ever-there, waiting to enfold us, embrace us, love us, strengthen us.

And that we’re given that strength for a reason: to carry on, yes, but to offer hope and home to the world around us, the light of the world to hearts desperate for Him.

I read this Psalm last night, and it seemed to gather all of my turbulent thoughts and settle them into something solid, honest, hopeful:

“My soul is weary with sorrow; Strengthen me according to your word.” Psalm 119: 28

Friends, will you dip your cup in the Living Water today with me? As we are parched for truth, hope, strength… as the deer pants for the water and our souls long for Him… as deep calls to deep… let’s choose to place our hope in Him.

Know that as you leave here, I’m praying for you today.

“Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things. …And the God of peace will be with you.” Philippians 4:8-9

What is something true, noble, right, pure, lovely, admirable, excellent, or praiseworthy? A verse you cling to in the midst of this, perhaps?


  1. What a beautiful picture you paint, that reminder that even when life seems void of light, it lives in and through us if we but know God. I think the darkness is one of the scariest places to be. Because as humans we can feel like all hope has been lost. Thank you for this beautiful reminder that hope is never truly lost.

  2. An inspiring post Amanda and a reminder we are never alone: He is near us always throughout hardships as long as we believe!
    Prayers are always welcome Dear and warmly returned!
    God bless,

  3. This week, I have been meditating on this exact verse (Phil. 4). Thank you for your words.

  4. I really enjoyed reading your page Amanda, very awesome! =)
    One of my favorite verses is Joshua 1:9. Although I still struggle
    at times to be strong & courageous, -that verse is a wonderful reminder
    for me!
    ~Take care, and may the Lord Jesus bless you!~