Hope Chronicles Giveaway Winners!

First, I’m so excited to announce the winners of the Hope Chronicles giveaways:
(Each winner will also be notified by e-mail.)
Regina Jennings’s prize bundle winner: Wendy Newcomb
Joanne Bischof’s prize bundle winner: Karen K
Amanda Dykes’s prize bundle winner: Elizabeth Jorgensen
Karen Barnett’s prize bundle winner: Jenny
Sarah Sundin’s prize bundle winner: Becky Guinn
GRAND PRIZE Hope Chronicles Journal: Becky Guinn
And Second:
Truly, thank you. I can’t tell you how very blessed I was by all of your stories, scriptures, and songs of hope that you took the time to share in our comments this week. You blessed us tremendously, and our hearts’ desire for the Hope Chronicles (to encourage through true, lasting Hope) took flight.
If you didn’t get a chance to read the comments, all of our Hope Chronicles posts are still up. There are some amazing things in those comments*.
Thank you for travelling the Hope Chronicles journey with us!
*A list of the 5 Hope Chronicles posts can be found at the bottom of Georgianna’s entry.