

I’m so glad you stumbled upon this quiet corner of the web. Allow me to play tour guide for a moment, show you where you’ve landed? A Little History… I’m just a girl redeemed, ever-grateful to my Anchor, Guide, the Lover-of-My-Soul, my Jesus. He’s spun words into motion in my heart, and this is where I share them. My hope is for this place to reflect His refuge, a safe place of encouragement for you. My fictional...

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The Trust Chronicles: Bonnie McDonnell

The Trust Chronicles: Bonnie McDonnell

The Trust Chronicles is a blog hop and collaborative project between 5 historical romance authors. Our desire is to bring you lasting hope through these letters, grounded in trust in our Lord, and written from the fictional viewpoints of each book’s heroine. We’re so glad to have you join the event. Each day this week, a new Trust Chronicles post will go live, complete with a letter and a new giveaway for that blog post. Click here to read...

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Mother’s Day for Those Who Ache

Mother’s Day for Those Who Ache

It was Mother’s Day. Years of quiet ache landed me that day standing in front of a kitchen sink, pinching thorns from roses. I am blessed, you see, to be a part of a church that in years past has honored all women on Mother’s Day by giving them a simple, lovely rose—a reminder that they are treasured. In the raw years of longing unfulfilled, when I wondered if I’d ever have a “rightful” place on this day, that single rose was a...

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On the Darkest of Days, There is Hope

On the Darkest of Days, There is Hope

Have you ever found life in a corner of the world where you thought it impossible? I had a few blog post ideas swimming in my mind this week, but this one keeps rolling in, silent but strong, quieting the rest down and asking to be written. Especially this week, after all that has transpired. Like you, I’ve watched with a heavy, heavy heart as the news has unfolded. And as my feeble little mind tried to wrap itself around something it was...

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