Books Tell Stories…

…and not just the ones written on their pages. For instance: Exhibit A: Northanger Abbey and Persuasion, picked up at Piccadilly in London by my younger college self, who worked up the nerve to ask a complete stranger in a foreign country (this coming from the girl who used to make her friends ask the teacher if she could use the restroom in elementary school {a wee bit timid am I}) – the curator of this flea-market-style booth- how...

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“Praise is what we are made for!” Ann Voskamp says, and thus began her practice of purposefully  taking note of what God is doing and has done around her, counting blessings and worshiping each step. This was the humble birthplace of the “Gratitude Community.” I remember sitting as a brand new young wife in my gracious landlady’s living room, a place of warmth and welcome and wisdom. She would share with me...

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