Is Anything Impossible?

I have been knocked off my feet lately (and I’m not just referring to my inherent clumsiness) with encouragement and reminders that He is mightier. {image source} Today when thinking and praying about what to share with you, I could come up with nothing better than to pass along the words of truth that He’s funneled my way… “Let them give thanks to the Lord for his unfailing love and his wonderful deeds for men,...

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Holding Hopes with Open Hands

Do you ever find your heart at war with itself?  {image source}  You have a hope, a dream, a desire. You’re sure it must be God-given, but you know you need to pray over it. Somehow, hours…days…weeks…and sometimes beyond… you find that prayer still unspoken. The words won’t form, the relinquishment of that dream to our Lord withheld because… What if the answer is “no”? I found myself...

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Light Bulbs and Lifelines

I had a lightbulb moment. {image source} I mean literally… there were lightbulbs involved. Three of them. It all started as I was mixing something in the kitchen with  my trusty wooden spoon. Some high-pitched buzzing shrieked into the silence, and I began hunting for the source of the cacaphonous hum. It’s perfectly normal to circle the kitchen alternately putting your ear up to the fridge and the outlets, right? The source...

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I love it. I mean really, really love it. {how I spent a rainy day a few summers ago} The smell, the way the grey sky makes everything look greener, the way a coming storm ushers me into a cozy chair with a cup of tea and a candle nearby, sends me flying to the windows to let that rain-laced air in… I love it. A few weeks ago, we helped out with a retreat. Into a winter storm we drove, winding our way through slush and clouds and...

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