The Author of my life gave me a heart full of words. They tumble around in there, changing and moving and learning, until I set them loose with ink on paper and learn some more. Out they pour: sometimes it’s story, sometimes a simple revelation. As I make a home for them here, my hope is to invite you in, sit a bit with you and– yet again– continue to learn as we visit, as we draw near to Jesus together.
Stories spin inside me, set in the early 1900’s deep in the mountains. An unlikely trove of all-things-Gilded-Age, the setting is as much a part of my own life story as it is a part of my characters’. Sometimes these characters emerge from their forest estate long enough to sweep through turn-of-the-century San Francisco, but their home is in the mountains… at a place called Stonehaven.
(This series is pre-published and currently in search of a publishing home. Would you join me in praying over this journey? I’d be so grateful!)
Amanda is represented by Wendy Lawton of Books and Such Literary Agency, and is a member of ACFW.